While there is growing awareness in both doctor’s offices and health IT markets of the critical...

One of the biggest advantages that the technology revolution has provided is a growing sea of data that can now be used to inform decision making, reduce risk, and shape business planning. The advantages of data-based decision-making span the government and commercial sectors, with the promise of shaping more efficient and beneficial operations. Data management is a NewWave specialty. We manage databases, warehouses, and lakes for our clients, building and managing the data environment best matched to our client’s needs. We are well acquainted with Big Data, managing one of the largest healthcare databases in the world at over 13 petabytes and growing. One of the biggest problems with Big Data is migrating it from unstructured data to structured data, organizing and categorizing it so it becomes a useful tool that a business can mine and analyze to gain important insights and inform business decisions. NewWave uses a process called data wrangling to convert the unstructured raw data we collect securely from a multitude of sources into structured, categorized, ready to utilize data.
NewWave builds modern, integrated data management environments for each client that meet their unique needs. For clients in need of simple mass storage available to be curated as needed, we build and manage Data Lakes. For clients in need of enterprise scale data management that is structured for a purpose and quickly available for use, we build and manage Data Warehouses. We also build custom hybrid environments with multiple forms of data environment in one ecosystem, enabling flexibility of use and automated, algorithm-based scaling for need.
NewWave’s data wrangling includes the ingestion of raw data from a multitude of sources, ensuring quality and format compatibility of the data received, and categorizing and mapping the data to the correct environment for its intended use. For our healthcare data that is utilized by authorized researchers, our data wrangling includes not only ingestion of raw data, quality control, and categorization, but also the depersonalization of data for general research use and careful access control and sensitive information security measures. Once the data has been wrangled and structured, NewWave mines the data for the knowledge and insights that our client is seeking. For some of our clients this looks like compiling and continuously updating data sets to be used in outside analytics conducted by researchers or client leads. For other clients, we take the data management process a step further, conducting data analytics targeted at producing insights and performance information specified by the client.
For our data environment building, management, and analytics tooling, we often utilize Python based coding. Python provides the flexibility that allows us to easily customize our customer’s data environments to match their unique needs. Python is a widely adopted programming language, this allows for enhanced data analytics tooling compatibility, increasing the versatility of our multifaceted data management solutions, and enabling the growth of your data management ecosystem with your needs.
rts. The cloud offers native tools that scale storage space in use to match system needs, ensuring our clients are only paying for the space actively in use.
Responsible for the operations of data management programs with up to 25,000 users each, NewWave is an expert at securing data. We build automated, repetitive security tools, testing, and processes into each of our custom solutions. Our Agile project management methodology ensures that all of our management services, including data security, react quickly to proactively mitigate identified risks. By building security into the structure of our data management environments, NewWave ensures that your authorized users will have continuous, tailored use of your data without the worry of potential data breaches.
NewWave understands the power that data has to shape decision making, optimize operations, and improve lives. We are at the forefront of this movement, providing custom data solutions of all sizes for our clients and helping them access the advantages this invaluable resource has to offer.